Saturday, September 28, 2013

Minty Ponies

While trolling Etsy a while ago I stumbled across some cute horse fabrics at Thistle and Fox. I just had to have them. The mint is my favorite. 

The second it arrived I knew it had to be matched up with some pinks and greys and other minty fabrics.

I backed it with some hot pink flannel and it turned out great!

This one has already gone to a new home, but I've almost finished a bigger one for Ebony. She definitely
 needs one too!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Spring at last!

We love Spring on the farm. The days start warming, the chooks start laying again, we get foals, lambs and this year a calf.

Daffodils are one of my favorite flowers. The kids love them too. We love their sunny yellow trumpets and Samuel says they are like the sun. For him that means golden. His favorite color. Not yellow, golden.

We love sunny days when we can walk around the farm with the dogs and visit our animal friends.

The shorts have been out already (though Samuel has been wearing shorts most of the winter. Yep, he's one of those people.) of course we still need our gumboots on, the paddocks are still flooded, but will dry up soon with these glorious warm days.

The dam by the house is well over full and the dogs love that they can actually stand in it with out having to swim!

Yep, we love spring!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Campfire fun (but without the camping)

My dad came and stayed with us last week while hubby was in China. We had a great time getting stuff done that has been a bit hard for me to really get stuck into. 
We made a dent in the weeds that had taken over the vegie garden - again. We trimmed Gwen the goats feet -finally. Dad pruned my fruit trees - he's so much better than me at it. And we watched the newest episode of River Cottage Australia. I find it a bit fake and rehearsed but push through it for inspiration. Of which I got! Is is Paul? Well he made damper on a camp fire in the yard. My boys love building fires - picking up sticks and making little mounds everywhere. 
"I know!" I declared on Saturday morning "Let's make a campfire and cook dinner on it!" 
Lots of excited cheering followed.

There was lots of fire poking once it was lit. Lots of smoke too as it had been a bit rainy.

It got going in the end.

More fire poking.

Damper was cooked and then eaten with butter and my homemade apricot jam.

Ebony waited patiently to be put to bed.

The boys waited patiently while Gubby (my dad) cooked the damper

We cooked some stray potatoes we had found in the vegie garden earlier in the day. Wrapped them in foil and threw them in. They were so good.

And of course we had sausages in bread.

So much fun and I think we should do it much more often. We seem to be rushing through the days so quickly and forgetting to add some fun and make some memories. I worry these kids are missing out on so much fun stuff on this farm we are so lucky to live on. I'm feeling we need to slow down and live more simply. 


Thursday, August 1, 2013


This is my pregnany belly the day I was induced with William. He was 12 days overdue.

This is my pregnant belly at 7 months with Samuel - Huge!

For some reason I don't have any pregnant belly photos from Ebony, so here she is the day she was born.

Lately I've been seeing people lots of pregnant women and instantly disliking them. Awful I know. But I can't seem to help it. I seem to be struggling a bit with knowing that there are no more babies for me. I'm all done. I made the decision to have my tubes tide when I had Ebony, and I thought that I was fine with that. 
But then, while I was on the table getting sewn back together my Dr leaned over that big blue drape and told me I was doing the right thing as my uterus was in no condition to have anymore. It was stretched and weakened and he was having trouble stopping the bleeding. It wouldn't hold another pregnancy.
I just nodded at the time. 
But now, 4 months later, I look at Ebony and feel like I'm not finished. It has knocked me over a bit as I had always said I wasn't having kids. Now I have three and feel like there should be more. Crazy! 
So I keep seeing all these pregnant ladies around and have pregnant friends, some just about to have their first, and I envy them. They get to experience that amazing, brand new baby moment and my most favorite bit -  the very first week when they just sleep and feed (and poo) and are so perfect. 
I know I should be happy for them but I can't help feeling a bit selfish and wishing it was me again.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

This morning

This morning my trusty sidekick (Miss Ebony) and I were relieved of school run duties and took the opportunity to make the most of the spectacular weather and walk around the farm.
We stopped and took Princess's rug off. Her coat seems to have turned! I reckon she felt much better after some grooming!

Nelson, Mikey and Xav watched us from a paddock over. 

I love walking down the lanes now the trees have shot up. These were planted only two and a half years ago. That's Indy, our Ridgeback. She's a lovely old girl. 

My 'Pride and Joy' Nelson. Can't wait till this fella is old enough to be broken in and ridden. 

Mae, my Jersey cow is due to calf in a couple of weeks, then it will be fun times milking and cheese making again!

The newest addition to the farm is Jerry. He's Nelson's half brother (same mum, different dad). He was born on Friday just been. Within hours we had a massive storm, so he and mum Elle spent the night in luxury in a stable. 

He's such a cutie. Another one for me to ride one day!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Green Thumbs

We love gardening here. Not that you can tell coz the gardens are full of weeds. 

We don't do enough of it at the moment. New baby might have something to do with it.

Now that she is 3months we might be able to get a bit more done around the place.

Samuel and I made the most of the glorious sunny days we've been having and made a small dent in the weed plot. Well, I did, he spent most of the time trying to get his fingers in the gloves!

Such a cute kid. Shame he has to grow up. Just look at those lips!

So cute.

Oops gloves have a hole and now there's dirt on my fingers.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


I'm embarrassed to say I have not even looked at this blog for quite some time. Basically since my last post actually. I've been thinking about all these fantastic posts to write, but just never do it.
This is whats been happening...

Ebony has grown bigger and I've been teaching myself to knit thanks to YouTube! Everyone I tell laughs, but hey - look at the final product! my first garment, or is it an item? Hmmm, anyway it was this cute easy beginner pattern I used. I was so happy with how it turned out.

Samuel fell in love with ear muffs.

This guy lived on our window for a week.

I took this photo - which I love.

These two continue to sometimes not get along.

We picked our one and only apple from the tree - and Samuel ate most. The rest we shared. Delicious.

There are some comments on a couple of my previous posts. I don't know how to reply personally. If someone could tell me, I'd be grateful! Otherwise, there isn't a pattern for my Sunshine and Pinwheel quilt, I made it up as I went! Thank you for asking though! 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

It's a girl!

 I'm so happy to say that on 27th March, we welcomed little Ebony Grace into our family.

She's the last little person to join our family and we cannot believe how sweet she is.

She's a little angel

The boys are totally smitten with her. She weighed in at a tiny (for me - the others were over 9 pound each) 7 pound 12 ounces.
Can't wait to do some girly sewing soon! I've been looking around for cute patterns and fabrics and trying very hard to not purchase them! I mean, at the moment she's only in 00000 (five 0) clothes!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Urban Circus II

As soon as I saw Laurie Wisbruns Urban Circus II, I just had to have it. I love blue and green for boys and I love Laurie's fabrics. The fabrics arrived last week and seeing as I had a spare day yesterday, I whipped up this cute and simple patchwork quilt.

I teamed it up with some DS fabrics from my stash and the squiggly blue one of Ed Emberlys.

I knew I had to use my Valorie Wells Urban Jungle flannel I've been hoarding for years for the backing.

I quilted it on the diagonal from both sides and it feels lovely and soft and snuggly.

The quilt measures 90cm x 90cm and is listed in my Madeit store, waiting for a baby boy to love.